Monday, November 8, 2010


Yes thats me
am wearing TITS (two in the shirt) thats what the brand is called
i am wearing the shirt called Shit is bananas 

 I think these shirts are awsome because they are unique in a very wierd way..
yes some do have nudity in them but not all clothing from this brand do.
Your going to like these shirts, they just
catch your eye once you see them i know they did to me. There not expensive at all prices range
from i think $10-$80....So its not bad at all there is more styles and they do not only sell shirts but WristBands

Also phone covers but ive only seen for the iphones and blackberrys but you can check it out

they also got hats beenies and a lot of more accesories...
Like i said nudity in only some shirts.....